This guy, Bob Kramer is 1 of 114. There are only 113 other people in the World who have achieved what Bob has and he didn’t do it overnight.
What is it that Bob does? He makes knives. Not just any knives though…He makes the best. If you watch the entire video below you will know what I am talking about.
I am not nearly an expert on knives as some of my brothers, but I do have several ones I put through the ringer.
One of my favorites I gave to the very understanding Police Officers at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. I just hope my face didn’t end up on a deck of cards! Not my finest hour by any means.
Anyways, I thought you might like to see how the best knives are made!
If you want to order a Kramer knife you have to wait about 14 months. Ordering is closed. Although he does have a retail line as well.