This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to Run to the Curb. Run to the Curb is the brainchild of Tiger Schmittendorf’s and is fitting for many reasons.
We just saw the first published episode of the First Due Blog Carnival right here on Fire Critic. The theme “I am a firefighter because…” sparked much story telling which is what Run to the Curb is all about.
Tiger also joined us on the past two Firefighter Netcast episodes to talk about two different topics which encompassed Run to the Curb and other topics Tiger is passionate about.
There are some great stories on Run to the Curb already and look for more in the future. Be sure to send Tiger your story to share.
I just realized on Saturday how great it is be able to share stories from the old guys whom I have had a pleasure to know. Many new guys don’t get to meet them or listen to the stories.
Go now and visit Run to the Curb! I believe we have gone full circle on this topic now!