This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to is a blog titled “The Gate Keeper” with a site built around it and is a personal journal about a volunteer firefighter and EMT who is currently in schooling to become a Paramedic. Look for him on twitter @FirstDueMedic and on Facebook.
Ronnie Grubb runs and his bio states:
In 2006, with a resurging interest in public service and the time to devote to his community, Ronnie rejoined the ranks of the volunteers in Henry County and began the arduous task of retraining and recertification. It was during this time the he noticed that he had entered into a realm that had changed and was now foreign to his memories of what emergency work was about.
Ronnie has aligned himself with those whose mission it has become to establish Emergency Medical Services into a respected career and profession. While pursuing an associate’s degree and certification as a National Registered Paramedic at Patrick Henry Community College, Ronnie has developed a high threshold for professionalism and quality of service that was imparted through his instructor and mentor, Jeff Reynolds.
The bonus for me is that this is a blog that is very close to my locality. I love bumping into another blogger near me and I look forward to reading more from Keep up the great work Ronnie!