This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to “A Firefighters’ Own Worst Enemy“. The blog is a new one that recently captured my attention. I would categorize it as a hybrid training blog with some real World experience written in by the author.
The “about page” states:
Jason Hoevelmann is a Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal with the Sullivan Fire Protection District, a combination department, and a career firefighter/paramedic with the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District in North St. Louis County.
and also that:
The blog is based on a class developed by Jason that he will present at Missouri Winter Fire School and at FDIC 2010. Here is a brief description about A Firefighter’s Own Worst Enemy:
A comprehensive look at why firefighters make bad decisions on the job and off duty. This class is designed to offer methods for dealing with your own problems and challenges as a firefighter and how to help officers assist their men and women with these problems. We will discuss why the same situations are killing us year after year and identify ways to avoid becoming a statistic. Finally, we will point out ways to enrich our own careers and personal lives, as well as assisting our firefighters in advancing their own careers and ways to help the organization improve and grow.
If any of you will be at FDIC, plan on attending Jason’s class! I plan on attending FDIC, we will see what kind of trouble I can get into!