I have compiled a list of twitter users that I feel are the top 100. I realize that this list may change in the future with the addition of new users. Some time in the future I might revisit the list. Until then, enjoy the list. I will tell you that the list was based on the following criteria…had followers and tweeted about fire/ems news, information, and topics. I apologize but I did not incorporate twitter users who tweeted about going to and from the grocery store no matter how many followers they had.
Be sure to follow me by the way…@FireCritic
Feel free to add your username in the comments! Here is a word to the wise…join wefollow and sign up with tags that relate to yourself. Examples = #Fire, #Firefighter, #Firefighting, #Paramedic, #EMS, #EMT.
The list is not in any particular order and in case you are counting I think the actual number is 112.
@Emergency_In_SF – Follow some of the larger emergencies in San Francisco as they happen!
@LATimesFires – Breaking SoCal fire updates from @latimes + @lanow. Send us your tips. See latimes.com/tweets for 180+ news streams. @latimesquakes tracks seismic news/alerts.
@usfire – Official Twitter account of FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration – Working for a Fire-Safe America.
@CalFireNews – California Fire Information
@FireMom – Writing about the family side of fire life. Freelance writer, editor & social networking addict.
@Chiefsupply – Proudly serving Law Enforcement, U.S. Military, Fire and EMS services nationwide. CHIEF is More Responsive, Period.
@IowaDispatches – ALL REPORTS CONSIDERED PRELIMINARY. Police & fire audio archive of incidents from all over Iowa
@NorthwestFire – A full-spectrum life safety agency protecting Marana and Pima County
@RES911CUE – Bringing you the latest news/weather/fire from around the world & country using over 1000 news sources
@FireInfoGirl – wildland fire news and information
@FirehouseNews – The latest news for firefighters from Firehouse.com
@socalincidents – http://www.socalincidents.com/
@wildfiretoday – wildland firefighting news and opinion
@Firewise – NFPA supports community wildfire mitigation in the U.S. Follow me for updates on the Firewise program.
@BryanFD – Providing the citizens of Bryan with fire protection and advanced medical care. Est. 1871
@FiremanJoe – Volunteer FF,Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Temp Ops Manager
@NFPAFireStats – I am a Research Analyst at NFPA and provide information and statistics about the U.S. fire problem in order to reduce the loss of life and property.
@TexasFiredotcom – Texas-Fire.com news feed
@FireNews – News and Information for North Carolina’s Fire Service
@WIA – We break the news to the Media!
@fire_fighter – Dad- Husband – Firefighter – Engineer – from Germany
@FirefightersWB – Fire fighters without Borders Foundation Europe
@FireGeezer – retired fire captain – active blogger
@CoronadoNF_Fire – This is the official site of fire information for the Coronado National Forest.
@TheHappyMedic – HMHQ is my blog about the real stories of Fire/EMS
@explovent – Explosion, fire and smoke vents protecting your property and workers. Aggregating #comdust news, videos and more at our site Explovent.com and ComDustNews.com
@FossilMedic – university professor, retired fire captain/paramedic
@FHLODD – Firefighter line of duty deaths from Firehouse.com news.
@Jeffpfile – Small business owner, entrepreneur and wine aficionado with ties to NIMO and the wildland fire community. Looking forward to where life takes me.
@FHTraining – Firehouse.com Train
@NCFDChief – Fire Chief of the North Charleston Fire Department.
@emergencyland – Emergencyland is a central collaborative one-stop-shop where emergency personnel and the public can share, learn and exchange information. Coming soon.
@FireCritic – An Unadulterated view of the fire service
@SBVFD – The Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department has been serving the Greenwich community since 1904 with fire protection and technical rescue services.
@barbadosfire – The official Twitter feed for the Barbados Fire Service.
@911EmergencyMA – FIRE EMS
@firechiefmag – http://www.firechief.com/
@bajanfire – The official twitter feed for the Bajan Fire Fighters Network.
@FireFleitz – Firefighter / Web Publisher / Internet Marketing / Fire Service Henchman / Run VAFireNews.com, VAEMSNews.com, PrinstonMedia.com
@truck6alpha – Emergency Services Visionary
@FireBlogger – Retired Fire Capt., Editor of Firefighter Blog, Follow/Report Wildland Fire News, Online Marketer, Conservative Voter!
@firenation – The Professional & Social Network for Firefighters & Rescue, and Home to FireRescue Magazine
@revcrutchfield – Fire Department Chaplain, Founder of www.christ4responders.org, Chaplain to all First Responders and Miltary. Follows Homeland Security, Public Policy etc.
@FatherCabbage – Married GrandPa Retired Firefighter(Fire is out but I’m still Smokin) Security Guard
@JillatLiveSafe – Fire Protection Professional: Safety, Awareness & Advocacy. Building Partners in Prevention. Value Faith, Family & Friends.
@ffhourly – Firefighter Hourly covers firefighters, fire, and fire departments from around the world. We support and report on the bravest!
@NFFF_News – The official Twitter page of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, honoring America’s fallen firefighters and providing support for their survivors
@rakeman – Big fan of firefighting, Heavy Rescue and the internet!
@EGH_Program – EGH® is a national program by the NFFF to prevent firefighter line-of-duty deaths. We also offer fire safety tips for families. Official page.
@fire_products – FireRescue1’s product news: deals, grants updates, new products, safety info, videos, and more
@nemofightsfire – husband, father, firefighter, pio, emt, fire prevention!!! wearer of many hats– interested in fire & life safety, homeland security, friends & family..
@usfraorg – PUBLIC SAFETY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY THROUGH TRAINING, TACTICS & EDUCATION … Fire-Rescue, 911, Police, Military and Civilian Support Teams.
@searchrescuedog – Strengthening disaster response in America by recruiting rescued dogs & partnering them with firefighters to find people buried in the wreckage of disasters
@firemenscu – LAFCU is the trusted provider of premier financial services to our ‘Fire Family’.
@TTraining – Experience-Based Firefighter Training
@vententersearch – The lost art of the fire service
@gfdpipesdrums – Georgetown Fire Department Pipes and Drums
@JerseyMutt – Daddy, Air Force comm troop, volunteer firefighter
@Napa_City_Fire – All releases are a courtesy and may not be all inclusive or timely.
@Getfirefighjobs – Firefighter jobs, careers and community site.
@CommandSafety – Veteran Fire Officer, mentor, author, instructor, visionary; Chief of Training Command Institute, DC
@MikeSuperMedic – I’m Paramedic Mike. Come ride along as my partner and I save lives. WE LOVE OUR JOB. Oh BTW this is mostly fake thanks to HIPAA.
@EMS_United – EMS United is a place for emergency medical services (EMS) professionals to connect!
@EMS1 – The premier First Responder, EMT and Paramedic resource to find relevant ambulance news, identify key EMS training information, interact with each other.
@jemsconnect – JEMS is the source for Emergency Medical Services professionals
@EMSNews – Updates on Emergency Medical Services, Ambulance, Paramedic news pulled from multiple sources. Mostly automated, mostly works. Direct questions etc @dengerin
@EMSRNews – EMSResponder News
@geekymedic – Paramedic Geek..Need I say More
@Medicbuzz – I’m a Paramedic and Nurse involved in disaster planning and response. Member US National Disaster Medical System w/ the NJ1-DMAT. Philadelphia U. Grad Student
@PedroParamedic – Big City Paramedic with a weakness for big dogs, fast bikes and blond waitresses
@gfriese – Greg creates elearning for emergency responders at eps411.com. Author, presenter, photographer, and paramedic. Runner, cyclist, outdoor enthusiast
@medatrain – Online Community First Responder Forum as well as providing everything a First Responder needs to perform their duties
@thebigredguide – The new fire industry website covering products, companies, news and events
@STATter911 – Fire and EMS news from a TV reporter and former firefighter
@LiveFireFeeds – LiveFireFeeds.com, never miss a second!
@NationalFire – Wildland Fire Fighting Equipment
@NWSAFire – Executive Director of the National Wildfire Suppression Assn.
@FireDaily – Your portal to the current issues, events, and wisdom of our fellow Brothers and Sisters in the greatest of all professions.
@HoopieWorld – Western Pennsylvania Fire News Blog and Information
@AerialFirefight – UK based Tangent Link organise technical conferences for the Aerial Firefighting Community. There are other related products in the pipeline. Watch this space!
@helmetdude – Husband, Dad, Fire Fighter, Hero, Jackass not necessarily in that order.
@BrianHumphrey – Crisis communications consultant to government and industry, when not serving as an LAFD Spokesman.
@firelinkcom – Fire & Rescue Community, Firefighter, Fireguru, Fire Photos, Fire Video, Firefighter Social Network
@MsParamedic – Paramedic. Musician. Cattle Farmer. Body Combat enthusiast.
@FiremanRich – ARFF Fire Fighter….Tweet on Twitter & Have Fun! : )
@FirePrevention – 11-year paramedic veteran that believes fire departments should do more to promote Fire Prevention Week. Go ahead and tweet yourself.
@firejobs – Find job openings for Firefighters, EMTs, EMS and Paramedics all over the US at Firejobs.com. 338 positions were updated in the last 30 days.
@firetactics – Today’s Plan is Tomorrow’s Action
@FOOLS_Intl – Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society–an international firefighter organization promoting training, traditions and brotherhood of the fire service
@TheBravest – theBravest.com twitters FDNY New York City Fire Department Live Fire Radio Scanner
@HoustonFireDept – Houston FD CAD. Will display all major accidents, rescues, structure fires, and any call requiring 3+ units. Run by @paulvx and @ghawi (non-official)
@TinaFightsFire – I am a wife to 1, mom to 3, friend to several, have a passion for the fire service. I promote & teach fire/life safety! 🙂
@PGFDPIO – One of the largest and busiest combination Fire/EMS Departments in the Country.
@FireGround – Its only a disaster if you are not prepared
@firefighterspot – Home of the Best Firefighting Video
@TheSecretList – Dedicated to Firefighter Safety www.firefighterclosecalls.com
@FireRescue1 – The fastest-growing website for firefighters, bringing you the latest fire news, expert columns, fire video, fire-EMS, training and product info
@DispatchDemon – Emergency Medical Dispatcher and Scanner Freek.
@Inspector911 – We have resources for inspectors on ICC, NFPA, or just inspectors in general, check us out at www.inspector911.com
@apollosfyre – Scanning most of Central Calif
@BigWhiteFireDog – Fight Fires. Co-own a website design co. Raise/Rescue Great Pyrenees Dogs. Love Celtic Music, Good Food, Calif Wines, Micro Brews, My Wife of 25 yrs & my sons.
@SanAntonioFire – San Antonio Fire Department will tweet all major accidents, rescues, structure fires, and any call requiring 3+ units. *Run by @paulvx and @ghawi (non official)
@campusfirewatch – Working to improve fire safety at schools and in the community. Organizer of National Campus Fire Safety Month 2009.
@DougMummert – Public Safety/Public Relations/Community Service
SPVFire – Official Twitter of the Spring Valley VFD, a 501c3 Non-Profit
@LCIMT – The Low Country All Hazards Type 3 Incident Mgmt Team consist of members from all the disciplines in Public Safety. The team covers 14 counties in SC.
@firecamp – As a non-profit wildland firefighter school, Colorado Firecamp serves as drop point #1 for many S-130/190 students getting started in wildland fire.
@LAFD – A full-spectrum life safety agency protecting the City of Los Angeles. To report an emergency, call 9-1-1.
@LAFDTalk – @LAFDtalk is for discussing or querying the Los Angeles Fire Department. For incident alerts follow @LAFD. To report an emergency, call 9-1-1.
@kriskaull – Husband of 1. Dad of 2. Paramedic, technology expert, public speaker. Bozeman outdoor enthusiast. Beer fan. Consummate BUZZ architect. Considering job as ninja.
@EPI_Junky – Mom, EMT, permanent student.
@rescue_monkey – Firefighter/Paramedic; Ham Operator KI4QNB; Hazmat Nut; Aviation enthusiast (Private Pilot Lic. is next on list); Photography
@everydayemstips – Tips, resources, study guides, ebooks for students, EMTs, Paramedics, and Managers
@EMSEduCast – A poscast by and for EMS Educators
@inquarters14 – Emergency Response Team volunteer, Animal Rescue – I follow News, Fires, First Responders, Anipals, Pilots, L.A. Lakers & maybe you!
@scannerdude – ham radio operator,scanner buff and student of life.
@olorinpc – Geek, Firefighter, blogger, JC Alumni
@ABCOfire – Your ONE source provider in Fire Protection. Follow ABCO Team: @stevesmith1, @Heather04Ann, @MaryeKraft, @TerriPaoletta and Partners @JillatLiveSafe, @NIFAST
@Heather04Ann – Fire Fighters Daughter, Fire Protection Fanatic, Love Walking/Running, Additiced to Tanning, Nascar =LIFE.
@ENeitzel – I am a National PIO, Involved with Fire & Aviation Management. Incident Social Media (ISM) Zealot and a supporter of the 4th Estate.
and yes this list took a pretty long time to compile!!!