Mayor finds answer to FD and PD Layoffs?

I just read an article titled “How localities can avoid police and firefighter layoffs”. The editorial was written by Taylor Mayor Cameron Priebe, 58, returned to Taylor government in 2005 after working nine years as director of public services in Wayne County. Priebe can be contacted by e-mail at Please correct me if I am wrong but Priebe did not answer the statement in the title. While it is apparent he is an administrator, he failed to explain the method to the situation he poses in the title.

Again, correct me if I am wrong.

What I got out of the article was that Priebe has helped create a group of other City/County administrators to fight this PA312 and make it what it isn’t. The purpose of PA312 was to help municipalities by keeping FD and PD employees from striking. Priebe’s issue is the fact that the issues will be hammered out by binding arbitration. That very arbitration, Priebe feels could make financial obligations too heavy for governments to cover.

At least that is what I got out of it. So I guess his answer to “How localities can avoid police and firefighter layoffs” is to keep them all on board, just pay them less. But really, it seemed as though the title was catchy enough to get everyone’s attention to read, and then get them to come drive down his one way street.