Free Health Care for FD and PD

Apparently the FD and PD enjoy free health care upon retirement in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This is something that every Fire, EMS, and Police employee should enjoy! Unfortunately, most of us are not that fortunate. Raise your hand if you are staring down the barrel of free health care upon retirement. I didn’t think so. That would be a great benefit in the time of losing the little benefits most of us have.

Fort Wayne FD and PD fought hard to retain the benefit recently and won! City Council voted no to an ordanance that would have cut the free health care upon retirement. The Council Members agreed that the benefit was not FREE but EARNED! Kudos to them. As a matter of fact, only the council member who brought it up voted for it. However, that is no reason to slouch. If Council had seen that no one showed up or no one cared they probably would have voted for it.

I have one question though. How many police officers and firefighters were on hand to show their support of a no vote? Mark the working shift off the list. How many who were off duty were there. I cannot think of many things in life that would have been more important to me that showing up for that meeting to make sure they knew who they were taking from.

That is what we have to do! We have to be there, we cannot afford to sit back and hope that our other brothers and sisters will take up the fight for us. We have to be there in person…all of us…as one!

Here is the video: