The Secret is out…The Fire Critic is Interviewed by Newspaper

Ok, I admit that I have tried to stay anonymous on this blog. The reason being not what is said by who but moreso I don’t want “who says it” to cloud “what is said”. Even though The Fire Critic is semi-anonymous, I have had a few people guess it was me and others I have told out of professionalism in keeping an open line of communication. I don’t really have anything to hide and those who know me would say that I say what I feel.

That being said, I am not outing myself in this post. I may in the near future though. I had plans to out myself when a future collaboration happened…hopefully soon.

Either way, I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter in a large City within 5 hours of where I live. The reason why he interviewed me was on comments made on the post about flash mobs. I basically gave him answers long the lines of what I put in the post…That I liked the visual aspect of watching the performances, but that I had concerns on where the flash mobs might take place and by how many people.

The interesting thing is that he called me on the land line of my part time job. That peeked my interest as to how he got my phone number. I later found out that he had called the station I worked at. I don’t use my work number as a contact. I am not sure why the reporter didn’t just email me, but he apparently was able to find out who I was really quick. Therefore, my identity as being anonymous apparently isn’t all that hidden. It isn’t a huge surprise, but I was interested in the fact that he found me so damn quick. Apparently I completely suck at being anonymous.

Once I find the article, which should post late tonight or tomorrow, I might properly out myself. Unless he completely butchers what I said and uses it out of context like reporters are known to do. Either way, my name is tied to it.

– The Fire Critic