I found a website today that I am certain I have seen before. I know some of the names associated from one of the other sites I run and I think I have actually written on one of the sites from Europe before. The website is FWnetz – Fire on the Net. The site is either German or Dutch forgive me for not knowing exactly. The website can be found here, however before you go there you should know that it is not in English. I happened across the site because they linked to Firegeezer’s post on the video from France. If you want to visit the translated pages click here. The link should work.
It is interesting that they also covered the deadly fire in England here. I posted a story about it here.
For websites such as these, I have added a little link in the bookmark bar on my browser (I use Firefox exclusively unless to check for compatibility with a site I am creating). The link is from googles translation browser buttons found here.
Maybe in the future, I can get the guys over at FWnetz to add the plugin (here is the link for those wordpress webmasters who are interested) like I have to the right hand side which enables readers to translate the website with the click of a button. After all, they boast some serious numbers of readers (you can view that here)! If you are joining us and do not understand English or would like to read this in your native tongue please click on the flag of your country (top right of the sidebar) and it will automatically translate the page into your language. Of course if you cannot read this then you don’t understand that I am trying to help and it is a lost cause….ha.
FWnetz appears to be a very worthwhile website. I look forward to following them and have added a link on the sidebar.