Tag Archives: Android

Android Applications for the Fire & EMS Service

Last year, almost to the day, I published an article titled "ANDROID IN THE FIRE SERVICE". I had several comments and then got another one today about applications that firefighters use on their android device. Why not the iphone you might ask? The answer is because I use the Droid X and previously used the Droid. I am also fairly certain that almost all of the applications on the Android network can also be phoned on the iphone network.

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Android in the Fire Service

I will admit, while I might now a little about web sites...I have not taken the time to learn a ton about my Droid. Simply put, I am not using it to its fullest potential. I am fine with that, but occasionally I will spend the time to add an application, change a setting, or see what is new. Brian Rueger, a retired USAF computer/ information systems operator AND retired FD Captain, likes to keep me abreast of the news surrounding the Droid. I get email links to new applications and news sporadically.

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