Monday Morning Shoutout – Two In Two Out & Stop, Drop, and Blog

This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to Two In Two Out. Two In Two Out is a newer blog on the circuit and is currently undergoing a facelift. The blogger is the wife of a firefighter and offers a decent post about many other firefighter wives blogs (link here).

You may have noticed that I didn’t post a Monday Morning Shoutout last week, so this week is a double take!

On the same subject of Firefighter wives is one of my favorites. The blogger behind Stop, Drop, and Blog (aka @FireMom on twitter) blogs about her family, her firefighting husband, and she take a lot of photos. This is a must read for many.

I love reading these blogs by firefighter wives because it is interesting to see their view of our lives. I have seen many wives who just don’t get our lifestyle, our jobs, our Brotherhood. However, there are plenty who do get it and understand why we do what we do. I am very lucky to have found one who is very understanding!