Classic Firehouse Prank…I know from first hand experience

Flashback about 16 years ago. I was a junior in high school and had just been voted in as a member of the Midlothian Volunteer Fire Department in Chesterfield County, VA. I would become a junior firefighter and realize my ambition of becoming a career firefighter (that is another story coming soon).

The evening I was voted in was also the beginning of a couple other guys time at the VFD. Needless to say, we were stoked and had no clue of what the heck we were getting ourselves involved in.

That night we were to become one of the guys….and they other guys had an idea of how to break us in something proper. There we were hanging out between the vollie engine and paid engine. We were given an example of how we were to place the funnel in our pants and guide a quarter down our forehead into the funnel. The three of us did it at the same time. An example of the prank is below. Although, our guys went one step forward and drew around the quarter with a pencil leaving lead remnant on the edge of the quarter which made nice lines down our forehead and off our noses.

If you want to see more pranks…check them out here. Enjoy the video below. Hat tip to Dave Statter for sending me the vid!