Be Careful What You Wish For…

NBC’s Trauma is being canceled. I recently found out after David Konig blogged about it. I shared the post on my facebook page, but I didn’t weigh in on his view of it. FC Note: not the FC page, my personal profile. Feel free to friend request me so you can see what I looked like in high school, what movies I like, and what books I have read.

There has been a lot of talk about NBC’s show Trauma. I have tried to keep a level head about all of it. I realized early on that Medics everywhere were pointing fingers saying things like “That isn’t realistic”, “That isn’t how you do that”, “That isn’t what they are saying it is”. It almost seemed as if some of it was said in an air of jealousy. Like medics everywhere had been snubbed out of being asked to be professional advisers for the show. After all, there were instances where it seemed they didn’t have one at all.

I did not realize that the Association of Air Medical Services and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians would come out in strict opposition. I could have seen them make a statement about certain misconceptions.

I have to think that ratings played a huge role in the cancellation. Face it, if the ratings were great then Hollywood would have scoffed at a bunch of clinicians complaining about inaccuracies.

Blogs and websites might have had something to do with the poor ratings. The amount of bad reviews might have been enough to hurt the ratings.

To be honest, I have to side with the Happy Medics take. Although he actaully has a commenter who really laid it out great. Check out the post and read the 17+ comments on there.

Just don’t expect anyone to go out on a limb to do another EMS show again anytime soon.