Dangers of Decks…From the Creator of FirefighterSpot.com



Today I was sent an article on FireRescue1.com. The article is about the “Dangers of Decks” and written by Jason Poremba.

The article is a good read and has many videos. This is a great training tool for you guys on the job today. Have your company sit down in front of the computer and follow the article and watch the relating videos. You might also check out FireFighterSpot.com directly to check out a site that probably has THE BEST Firefighting videos on the internet.

While I read the article, I took a stroll down memory lane.

I remember Jason (although we have never formally met) from years ago. I was running a local fire blog that had local news as well as some of the stuff I now put on FireCritic.com; He started up Firefighterspot.com (aka BestFirefighterVideo.com) which was actually known as the “Hamptons Fire Blog”. When Jason started it, he found himself leaning towards videos. If my memory serves me right, I think he actually went through some growing pains with local departments of posting photos of scenes. That was probably because it was new to them and they didn’t have full control (we see a lot of that in our business).

Jason made the switch to an almost entirely video driven blog. Probably the first Firefighting Vlogs when he created FireFighterSpot.com.

It is great to see the various bloggers, vloggers, webmasters, and such grow throughout the years. We have each found our own niche and have supported each other along the way. I have created some great friends along the way and intend to continue learning from them and showing them what I have learned.

If you must see the original blog that I started and continue to run…click here. It has been on since 2005. It is not the oldest, but I have created one hell of a network of friends! Keep up the great work guys. I also run various other sites found here.